Saturday, January 30, 2010

Justin and Julie Visit an Orphanage

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Julie's Bloopers

This is a blooper real from our next video coming out next week! Hope you enjoy!

J Kirk

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Doing Missions When Dying is Gain

I was doing some reading recently and I a came across a sermon called “Doing Missions When Dying is Gain” by Pastor John Piper. He was preaching to a group of young pastors and future missionaries about our attitude as Americans when it comes to spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. This is an excerpt from that article:

YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is a wild-eyed radical group that I love. I got an email on September 1st,

One hundred and fifty men armed with machetes surrounded the premises occupied by the YWAM team in India. The mob had been incited by other religious groups in an effort to chase them off. As the mob pressed in someone in a key moment spoke up on the team’s behalf and they decided to give them 30 days to leave. The team feels they should not leave and that their ministry work in the city is at stake. Much fruit has been seen in a previously unreached region and there is great potential for more. In the past when violence has broken out between rival religious groups people have lost their lives. Please pray for them to have wisdom.

Now this is exactly the opposite of what I hear mainly in America as people decide where to live, for example. I don't hear people saying, "I don’t want to leave, because this is where I’m called to and this is where there’s need." Would you please join me in reversing American evangelical priorities? It seems to be woven into the very fabric of our consumer culture that we move toward comfort, toward security, toward ease, toward safety, away from stress, away from trouble, and away from danger. It ought to be exactly the opposite! “He who would come after me let him take up his cross and die!”

So I just don’t get it! It’s the absorption of a consumer, comfort, ease culture that is permeating the church. And it creates little ministries and churches in which safe, secure, nice things are done for each other. And little safe excursions are made to help save some others. But, O we won’t live there, and O we won’t stay there, not even in America, not to mention Saudi Arabia!

I found this article to be very interesting because of where Julie and I are doing ministry. Many have called Juarez, MX on of the most dangerous cities in the world. We talk to people everyday who tell us we should not be across the border. Should our response to this danger and as Christians make us desire to flee or desire to embrace this opportunity? It seems that people who need hope the most are the most responsive and ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mark 2:17  And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

I think that our feelings in any dangerous circumstance in missions reveals to us where are hearts are. Are our hearts for others and for God, or are they consumer filled with self preservation? My hope that is any catastrophic, oppressive, dangerous circumstance, my heart is drawn to the people who are subjects under it. Christ said to go the ends of the earth to teach and train people in the gospel. He never said it would be safe. Oh Jesus, give me your compassion!

To read the rest of John Piper’s sermon go to this link:

Justin Kirklin

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Looking For Feedback

Hello Everybody!

I have been thinking recently about defining poverty; Especially when it comes to living conditions.

How would you define living in poverty? Do you think our definition and overall idea of poverty has changed over time?

Please post comments and the blog. Let me know what you think...

Christ is All,

Justin Kirklin

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Video. Watch it, be informed.

Watch our first video!!!

First Video!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cornerstone Build 2010

There is nothing like a holiday build! What better way to celebrate Christ entering the world to reconcile us to Him than showing His love to those who need it. Most would say that it is a "bummer" that Julie and I have to stay here on the holidays. "Don't you miss your family?" YES! But I can't begin to describe to you the blessing it is to be here on the holidays.

This year we built with Cornerstone Christian Church Shiloh. This was their second year building with our ministry. They had 21 adult team members and one eight year old girl. This was an important trip for their church because they are trying to transition the church into having a greater missions mind set. Casas Por Cristo is one of the best trips for that. It is international but not to far from home. It is a week long trip but very affordable. It is very complex but easy to plan a trip. Our organization is one of the best for short term missions and really getting people's feet wet into international missions. I think this trip was perfect for their church.

I met them at Walmart the day they arrived. They were busy shopping for all kinds of gifts for the family. I thought that was really cool. They bought blankets, heaters, clothes, cookware, and furniture. This family was about to receive a huge blessing from God.

The day of crossing the border, Julie and I met the team at our office. I discussed with them a few short details about what they should expect for the day to come and then we spent time praying for safety, the family to receive a house, and for us to see and give glory to God through our work. After we crossed the border we arrived at the Mexican church we were going to stay at every night. I know the pastor of that church very well. He is the President of the Mexican pastors committee of our ministry. Upon arriving, we received some bad news. The heater to the church was broken and it was likely to be the coldest week in Juarez of the year. God blessed us in a big way by sending us a heater repair man on the trip with cornerstone. PRAISE GOD!!!!

We arrived at the site after unloading our luggage at the church. The work site was very enclosed and barely fit the house we were going to build.

The family had been living in a little squat shack made of wood and cardboard. They are a family of 8. Luckily for them, another ministry had built them a house about a month prior to us getting there. The other new house was a two room house and it didn't even come close to supporting the size of the family. With these two houses combined, they should live quite a lot more comfortably.

The father and mother receiving the house were named Abraham and Alma Lozano. They were both in their early 20s. They have two daughters and two grandparents that live with them. Abraham's brother also lives with them. Abraham and Alma have had their run of bad luck. They both lived close to the river and when a flood season came a few years ago, it destroyed their house. They were forced to move in with Abraham's parents and have been residing their ever since. It has been really tough on them. Despite the lack of space and very poor living conditions, Abraham and his family have struggled to find work and keep a job. In fact, the week that we arrived, Abraham had lost his job. They were making only $80.00 a week for 8 people. Isn't that unbelievable. A common misconception is that things are cheaper in Mexico. This is simply not true. Though you can buy a coke and a candy bar cheaper, most all common things are the same price as the United States.
We built the house in two and a half days and used the remaining time in the week to mud and tape the drywall inside and paint the exterior of the new house. We also did quite a bit of yard work on their small lot to clean it up and make it safer for their children.

At the end of the build, Julie and I had made great new friends with Cornerstone Christian Church and really became part of their family. More than that, something remarkable happened with the grandfather and Abraham.

One of the Mexican Pastors from our ministry had been ministering to the family before and during the build. At the dedication ceremony, he spoke about Zacheus from the bible and related it to Abraham of the Mexican family. He talked about how Zacheus was living in sin and unbelief and how he went under a huge transformation. When Zacheus repented and chose to follow Christ, his life was transformed. After hearing the message from Pastor Martin, Abraham and his father decided to follow Christ. Pray that they will continue in their faith and that Pastor Martin Gil does a good job of shepherding them into the Christian Community.

It was an amazing week. A family blessed, an American church challenged, and Julie and I at peace. The week was filled with the feeling of God intentionally pursuing all of us involved. Christ be glorified for the great work he is doing in Juarez, MX with Casas Por Cristo.

Orphanage Christmas

Julie works for a hospital named Del Sol here in El Paso. Trying to share and show the love of Christ in the work place can be a difficult task. She decided that a great way to get her co-workers involved in ministry was to bless an orphanage in Juarez, MX for Christmas. For a month, her coworkers at the hospital raised money and bought gifts for every individual Child at the orphanage.

The orphanage was started by 3 individuals who live in Juarez. They happened across an orphanage one day that was very small and very unhealthy for the children staying there. This touched their heart so much that they decided to start their own that would be a place of safety, education, health, and love.

They came to our ministry looking for support and trying to see if we could build them a few buildings. This story touched our hearts as well and shortly after they petitioned our ministry, they received three buildings; two the size of the 3 room house we build, and one the size of the church we build. These three people that were called and motivated to start this orphanage have been funding it out of their own pocket and it has been very taxing on their lives.

Julie decided what a great opportunity to use American wealth and the love of Christ to help support and love on these Children. We came just a few days before Christmas with two truckloads of toys, clothes, candy, and other gifts. The excitement and smiles were tear provoking. Every child received a huge blessing this Christmas. To cap it all off, they sang us three worship songs in English. It was awesome. That gift to us was greater than any gift we had given them.

Our ministry hopes to continue to support his orphanage and the work that they do.