Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fiesta de Navidad

Every year, like many organizations or companies, the staff at Casas Por Cristo has a Christmas party. The staff of Casas Por Cristo would have dinner at a restaurant in El Paso. Usually a nice dinner to celebrate the ministry over the last year and to give thanks to God for all that he has done. This year, we decided that a better way of expressing our appreciation for what Christ has done in us and through us was to hold a Christmas party for a Mexican community that we build in.
In the southern part of Juarez, MX., our ministry owns a facility that is capable of hosting 500 hundred people. We call the facility the "SHOC" which stands for "The Shane Harris Outreach Center". We usually use this building for volunteer groups to sleep in during a build week. As you noticed, the word "Outreach" is in the name of the facility. One of our dreams for the facility was to use the building for outreach. The ministry strategically bought property and built the SHOC in the particular community that it is in. The people who live in the community are some of the poorest people that we build for. It is a community of great need. The picture at the bottom is a picture of the main room setup before our guests arrived.
DSC_4666 Three days before the Christmas party event, three men from the ministry and I passed out a flyer to every family that we had built for in the community. This is what the flyer looked like:parchment
Can you read it? Its ok if you can't:) This tests my limits as well. (In fact, the ministry actually let me make it!)
It took about two and a half hours to pass all the invitations out. It was pretty surreal seeing all these families that our ministry has built for. I wonder how they felt when a crazy white boy rolled up and invited them to a Christmas party.
When we were finished handing all the invitations, we realized that we definitely needed to buy more food. Our original estimation was about 200 people coming but we soon changed our estimation to about 400 to 600 people. 400 to 600 people! Can you imagine!? We had a lot of grocery shopping to do. We bought 400 chicken breasts, 400 hot dogs, a giant bag of rice, and the necessary ingredients to cook a Mexican soup called "Menudo". For those who don't know what menudo is...well...just look it up.
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So on December 4th, we arrived at the SHOC about 11 am and started grilling like crazy. It took about 3 and a half hours of grilling! People started to pour in the door around 2pm and the place filled up fast.
The line was out the door, in fact... One more chance to serve these families. One more chance for them to hear the gospel message. We could have celebrated the normal way; 30 of us heading to a steak restaurant. But with the leading of the Holy Spirit, we were directed to use this opportunity to celebrate what Christ has done in a more Christ-like manner.
The serving was on as the room filled up with people. One of the pastors from our pastors committee brought a couple of his guys to do praise and worship music. They played for a bit until everyone was seated. Then pastor Gedeon Solis, president of the Casas Por Cristo pastors committee, got up to the front to speak about the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.
At the end, Pastor Gedeon asked if there were some who wanted to receive the hope found in Jesus Christ. Fifteen or so raised their hands. We are thankful for what Christ is doing in the lives of the families that we build for. The amazing thing about working in the mission field is that we receive way more than what it seems that we give up. God has blessed our ministry with the ability and opportunity to do these kinds of things for families who desperately need not just physical but spiritual relief. Thank you to everyone this Christmas season that continues to pray for my wife and I as we work in this ministry. Merry Christmas and remember the miracle of the son of God coming to this world to save us.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Building

Our next build is coming up in just a few short weeks. We will be starting the build on the 28th of December, just a few days after Christmas. How cool is it that people are willing to build a house over Christmas and into New Years? What an incredible gift to give to a family. I find this act of love inspiring for many reasons. Instead of enjoying the comforts and rest of Christmas time and vacation, these men and women have decided to love a family they've never met and owe nothing to. They have decided to be a Christmas miracle.

The group that we are building with is Cornerstone Christian Church from Shiloh, IL. I have built with this group twice and am looking forward to the third. They will be giving this amazing Christmas present to the Rojas family. They are a family of six make an income of $50.00 a week. It is starting to get cold outside. In fact, I just turned the heat on in my office. Can you imagine living in a pallet built home in the middle of winter? About the time we go and build this house, it will be cold enough to snow. This gift of a warm insulated home is going to give this family relief and give them joy this winter.

With all the things that come with the house, the message of the gospel and the tangible realization of God's love is the most important. We celebrate the savior coming into the world on Christmas. What better way to celebrate His coming than to come to a family with love and the message of Jesus. Pray for us as we prepare to bless a family with this gift. Pray that God would be working in their hearts and minds to receive His word and His love.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Back and Ready

Hello Everyone! Its been a while since I have been able to write to you. I was in Costa Rica for 5 weeks. I got back 2 weeks ago and immediately had a staff retreat followed by a conference that I was signed up to go to for advertising our ministry. Whew!!! Well, not that I have a moment to breathe before I start building again, there are a few things I would like to update you on and some things I would like to say to everyone who supports and prays for Julie and I.



Let me begin by honoring everyone who donated money and sent me to Costa Rica to learn Spanish. I'm going to leave you anonymous because many of you probably like to give secretly. I can't explain to you enough the gift that you have given me or those that we are working for in Mexico. You have empowered me and gave me confidence in Spanish. Instead of hearing a bunch of blah with a few words here and there, I know am able to hear just as many words as I do blah. I know that sounds funny but its the truth. I'm smiling write now as I write this. But the important thing here is that I am able to comprehend enough to understand people. The rest of the language will start to fill itself in. I'm so excited about learning Spanish and am looking forward to the coming year. Keep praying that I will continue to build my vocabulary and be able to speak with more efficiency.

Perhaps the most important thing about learning Spanish is the fact that I can more effectively minister to the families that we build for and work better with the pastors that we are partnered with. When I say we...I mean you included. None of the ministry that we are a part of could be accomplished without the financial sacrifice and prayer support that comes from you. You are a part of bring the gospel and giving houses to families you may never meet. Thank you.

Let me tell you a little bit about what Costa Rica was like and then I will update you into the things coming up.

Costa Rica


I stayed with a Costa Rican family. The lady of the house, in Spanish it's the Ama de la Casa, name was Zoraida. Her two daughters and their sons lived with her. I had the whole upstairs of their house to myself. Everyday, she prepared breakfast and dinner for me. We would sit for two hours and talk while we ate. It took me a little while to get the hang of speaking with her. At first, I understood almost nothing. By the end, I felt confident in speaking and listening to her.


After Breakfast everyday, I would go to school. It was a 15 minute walk from Zoraida's house. The school did 3 two hour sessions. By the third session, my brain would be fried from trying to comprehend everything people were saying. I would leave school exhausted and wanting nothing to do with Spanish. All of the teachers were nice. They hall had really different teaching styles. Some talked so fast I couldn't keep up. Others talked slow enough for me to understand. All in All, I enjoyed the classes.

After school I would go to a coffee shop and use the internet. During every day of school, I would write down a word I didn't know and then look it up after school at the coffee shop. This tactic really helped me pick things up quicker. After looking up words and drinking enough coffee to make me shake, I would return home to eat dinner with Zoraida. We would talk for awhile and then I would go up to my room, do homework and try to learn the words I had learned at the coffee shop. FUN STUFF!!By the third week... My Brain was done. I took it easy on the word studying and decided to try and converse more with others.


The weekends were filled with more studying but one weekend I took a bus to a beach called Manuel Antonio. It was beautiful. They have a national park there where there are secluded beaches and different animals. I was able to see some monkeys and even a sloth. At night I would go into the town and enjoy dinner while listening to the waves. Seeing the beauty of this place really stirred up worship in my heart. God is so beautiful. I can't wait to see what He has in store for eternity!


I was ready to come home after week four but I toughed it out. The school gave me the book material for the things I wasn't able to cover in class. Can you believe that I made it to the advanced classes! Me neither. Again, thank you to everybody who made this possible. You are awesome!

No What?

Now, Julie and I are preparing for some building and a trip home for thanksgiving. Our two builds are October 25th thru the 29th and November 12th thru the 13th. The October build is going to be a little different and more difficult than normal. The team I was supposed to build with cancelled but paid for the house to be done. So now I am looking for people who would like to come down on short notice to build this house with me. If you are reading this and you feel like this is something your interested in, I could use you! So far I have four people committed. I hoping for some more. Never built one of our larger model houses with 4 people but I'd ready for whatever God throws my way. I just want a family to receive a house and the gospel to be proclaimed. Be praying for Julie and I as we try to prepare for this build.

We love you all. Keep us in your prayers. We still need monthly supporters. If you would like to do ministry this way, we encourage you to pray about donating to us on a monthly basis. If you are already giving, I'm excited for you because of the relationship you are building with God by giving to this mission and I'm excited for the eternal rewards that you are going to harvest. To God be the Glory forever and ever. May He have our crowns and all of our offerings. May in cost us something to love and follow Him.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

While We're Apart...

Hello everyone!

Justin has been gone for over three weeks now and will be coming home in eleven more days (not that I'm counting!). It has been hard for the both of us, but we have been lucky enough that he has internet access so we can skype about once a day. Justin is well, alive, learning lots of Spanish and likes the family he is living with. Over the past weekend, he took a two and a half hour bus ride to the beach and rented a cabin. (I'm a little jealous :) He hiked around a national park where he saw brave little monkeys that stole things out of other peoples bags/purses! So funny!

As for me, I'm doing well. I've been picking up extra shifts at the hospital, hanging out with some of the casas girls, watching lots of chick flicks, doing some shopping, and doing things around the house that I've been meaning to do for awhile (like clean the porch off, which I just did!). I've appreciated all the cards/letters/gifts that people have sent me over the last few weeks. Thanks to those who let me know that they care and are thinking of me!

I am really anxious for Justin to get home, as is he, but the Lord has been watching over the both of us. I'm sure once he gets home he will post pictures and a blog of his experience in Costa Rica. He tells me it is a beautiful country. And I'm hoping he took some pictures of the crazy monkeys!

Til the whole world hears,


Friday, July 30, 2010

The Grove

It brings me great joy to say I have worked side by side with the Grove Church! Justin has built with them for a few years now and was excited for me to finally work with them as well. Each person was a wonderful, sarcastic, hard-working child of God who truly had a heart of a servant. It was a pleasure to build a home with them for a single mom and her five kids. Not only was it my first time working with this group, it was my first time building in Acuna. Despite the extremely hot and humid weather, the week was incredible!

The father of the family took off to San Antonio some time ago and Marisol and her children (ages 11-18) never heard from him again. They fell behind in rent and were forced to move out. Fortunately, the church they attend allowed them to live in a room at the church (one small room) so they did not have to be on the streets. Obviously one small room is not enough space for six people to live in, so Marisol's sister let her have a piece of land - and that is where we came in and built them a new home!

It was a blessing and honor to build a home for this beautiful family. Each one of them had a gentle, kind, patient, and gracious spirit. They were eager to practice the little English they knew with us, as well as teach us some Spanish. The kids were also excited to help us build, whether it be putting the walls together or hanging drywall. The mother was so grateful of what we were doing for her family that she and her two daughters made lunch for us every day (the tamales and salsa verde were the best!). But the most amazing and beautiful thing happened at the end of the second day, when the walls were up and the roof was on...everyone was inside of the house, exhausted and ready to call it a day. As usual, one person prayed, another translated...and just then Marisol broke out in worship to God; praising, singing, thanking Him for what He had done, crying "santo, santo, santo" (holy, holy, holy)...while the rest of us stood in awkward silence that soon turned to awe. Here was a woman (most would say a poor, unfortunate woman) standing in front of us, unafraid and unashamed to outwardly and publicly express her love for God, because He was/is the only thing that mattered to her. She truly was grateful that He was providing for her family...but it was more than that. You got the feeling that she loved and worshiped the Lord, no matter what circumstance she was in, for the mere fact that He is Lord. We all learned an important lesson from her that day...

There is no doubt in my mind that this family will use this house to further serve the Lord and we will one day see them in heaven. Praise be to God!

phillipians 4:12-13
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Language School

Greetings Friends and Family,

It is our hope that you are doing well during this summer season! Hopefully it isn’t as hot where you are as it is here. I think I have been in a perpetual state of sweating for the last three months. Yuk! But it is all for amazing purposes. Right now, I am writing this to you in the midst of our very busy summer season of building. Since May, Julie and I have built six homes and we have two more left this July. We have seen God’s power by the way He is miraculously providing for impoverished families’ physical and spiritual needs. These families are experiencing the outpouring of love from churches all over the United States, Canada, and even a church from London. This building season has brought with it amazing blessings but it has also revealed to us a truth about our ministry.

We have come to the point in our ministry where our potential to reach out to families and to partner with Mexican pastors is bottlenecked by our language barrier. We have realized that in order for us to take the next step and to deepen our ministry, I need to learn how to speak Spanish better. Julie and I have talked at length about this and we feel that it is time for me to go to language school.

I am signed up to attend IPEE immersion language school from August 21st to September 28th of this year. The school is located in Costa Rica. I will be spending these five weeks living with a Spanish speaking family and attending class for 6 to 8 hours a day. Many of you may be wondering, “Why all the way to Costa Rica?” From speaking with many individuals who have learned Spanish, they have said that immersion learning is the best way to learn Spanish. Basically, what this means is you totally surround yourself with only Spanish for 24/7. This forces your mind after a time to start learning the language. I chose this school in Costa Rica because several of my coworkers in the ministry have used this school and have greatly benefited from it. If you would like to check it out, go to and you can learn more about it.

The cost to go to this school including the plane ticket is $3000. I need to raise this amount in the next month. If you would really like to make a greater impact on the ministry you are already supporting, this is the best opportunity you are going to have this year. If you are not currently a financial or prayer supporter of ours, this is a great way for you to jump on board and really make a difference. If you have built with Julie and I, you know the challenges of the language barrier. Please consider and pray about this opportunity to improve our ministry here along the border.

We love all of you and are deeply thankful for the support you have already given. This is just one of those things that is essential for our ministry. Feel free to call me at anytime if you have questions or advice. If you would like to give to this cause, send a check made out to "Casas Por Cristo" to the address below. If you could, also write "For Justin's Language School" on the memo line, that would be great! You will receive a tax deductable receipt for your donation. We hope that you can be a part of this. Go swimming in a lake for me! There aren't any here.
                                                                               Love you all,
                                                                               Justin Kirklin
Casas Por Cristo
PO Box 971070
El Paso, TX 79997

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Visiting Irving and Veronica


Many of you don't know the extent to which we try to minister and bring the Gospel to the families we build for. After a build, myself or my director, partner with a Mexican Pastor to visit families that we have built for. We usually are able to visit them within a year of their house being built. The above family is a family I visited yesterday that I had the pleasure of building for back in March.

They are Irving and Veronica Reyes with their two Children Jose and Irving Junior. I wrote about them back in March. As a refresher, they lived in a little pallet shack that was the same square footage as a queen size mattress. Literally, when you walked into their old shack, you stepped onto the mattress. We were building the house and in wasn't finished yet. Veronica had already moved some things in because she was so excited to be in her new home.

I visited this family yesterday with their sponsoring Mexican Pastor. We have a committee of pastors who are responsible for sponsoring and keeping up with their sponsored families. I you have built with me, you know that I am a huge proponent of our pastor sponsorship program. When we build, we don't just hand them the keys to a house, say Jesus loves you, and leave and never see them again. We partner with sponsoring pastors who minister to the family before, during, and after the build. We want to be thorough and effective ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Anyway, that's what I was doing yesterday. When we entered in the house that I had built with a group for Vista Grande Baptist, it was pretty emotional. The two children knew who I was immediately. They rushed up to me to be held and hugged; almost like I had never left. Veronica hurried to get us a 2 liter of Coke so that we could sit and visit with them for awhile. This was an important visit. I could tell that the pastor knew this family very well. We started to ask them about the condition of their home and how everything was working. It was in perfect order which was great to see. I told them that their house is a gift from God and that they needed Jesus in their hearts for Joy and eternal life. The pastor started to speak with them about following Jesus and told the story of the prodigal's son. Irving had been wandering from the Lord for quite a long time. We prayed with them  and I took their picture. You can tell that they were very emotional. I hope and pray that God used our visit to bring their hearts to Him. Pray for Irving, Veronica,and their two children.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Families of July

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Quick Update

Monday, April 5, 2010

The March Builds

Greetings! We are finally posting the stories of this crazy March Madness of building. We are busiest as a ministry during the school break seasons. I am proud to say that we, as an entire ministry, have built 57 houses this month! Julie and I were a part of leading three of those. Each family's story is unique and is full of need of God's grace. As you read these stories, remember that God, sending us to these specific families, is proof that he is pursuing their hearts and minds for freedom and life. How good is God that he would allow us to join in that. To all of you who are financially, prayerfully, and directly involved in these works, God is using you to accomplish a miracle of grace and intentional mercy.

(March 8th) Bertha Hernandez Jimenez and Her Three Children

March 8th family 

On the week of March 8th, Julie and I built with a group of 20 from Evergreen, Colorado. They are from Evergreen Lutheran Church. I was really excited for this build because I have established a relationship with the Pastor and some of the members of this church in the last year. This was the third house I would be leading for this church. Also, Julie hadn't met anyone from this church yet and she finally was able to. This was also the church where Jim Ritter is from. Jim is my friend who gave me my truck. So needless to say, It's a pretty cool feeling knowing that there are people who care about us coming to serve with us.

This build was also unique because we were literally 5 feet from another house being built by another team with our ministry. This is unique because teams usually build in their separate location with their own group. We had two church group teams, from different churches, from different denominations, working side by side to build for two families. This was awesome. But what made it even better, was the ability to build for two families who were part of the same extended family.

We were unable to see Bertha(homeowner) during the week, because she was at work everyday. Being a young and single mother, she couldn't take time off of work to miss the income and, she couldn't afford the risk of losing her job. Her brothers were at the work site everyday, representing her. Bertha only made $60 a week for her and her 3 children to survive. We were able to see her children at the worksite during the week. The other house being built was for Bertha's parents. The children were being watched by Bertha's mother. Bertha's mother's name is Guadalupe. Guadalupe was the major ambassador to both teams from her extended family. The extended family all lived together in a shack built out of cardboard and pallets.

For families like this that we build for, there is a major glass ceiling over their heads. There are essentially no opportunities for a family like this to get out of the situation they are in. It is difficult to find a job in the city, education is too costly for a family that makes barely enough to survive, and the jobs that there are, only pay meager wages of $50 to $80 a week. Consequently, they cram together in a little shack of garbage, and live in an old city landfill. This is heart breaking. Through our ministry, we were able to meet a major physical need of this family, but the house we build does so much more than meet a physical need. Through it, we can display to these families that Christ loves them and cares for them in their desperation. The love and the free gift of a home is just a taste of what can meet them in eternity. Eternity and the life after becomes the only hope many of these family's will ever have. This hope is the greatest and most life giving hope of all. This hope is salvation, joy, and life through Jesus Christ.

We built the house in a quick 2 and a half days. The building was fun and laid back. God showed that he was watching over and taking care of us as we built. After we were finished, the group from Evergreen Lutheran did a neighborhood cookout in a local church as an outreach event for the local Mexican church. Mingling with the local neighborhood was pretty cool.

At the end of the week, we dedicated the houses together with both groups to the extended family. Both families received keys, new bibles, and gifts for their new home. Amazing!

It was a pleasure building with the group from Evergreen Lutheran. There were a lot of new faces from the year before. Their commitment to loving God and each other is inspiring. But more than that, their commitment to love the world around them truly is unique and remarkable.  They worked hard and were able to change the lives of a family in need in Mexico for hope and life. Thank you Evergreen Lutheran for your service and love.

(March 15th) Eleazar and Laura Favela and Their Two Children

March 15th family

The build for Eleazar and his family was in our expansion city of Acuna, MX. The ministry expanded to this city a year and a half ago and have now built 50 homes in the city. Eleazar and his family is one of those families. I partnered with First Baptist Church from Willis, TX to build this family their first home. Eleazar and his family inherited a peace of property from his mother but had no means to build any shelter on this property. Eleazar had been out of work for a couple of years before we arrived. We were thankful to learn that he had found a factory job two weeks before we arrived to build them a house. Still...His wages were at a meager $70 a week. Eleazar and his family had been living in a friends house until they could find a place of their own.

Another piece of good news from this family was the fact that this family are fellow followers of Christ. When we arrived, they saw God coming to answer their prayer. Can you imagine the kind of feeling that gave us? Humbleness, thankfulness, and joy were in abundance during the week because we knew we were a part of God's plan. 

Unexpectantly, the first day we arrived to pour the foundation, it rained like crazy all day. With determination and love, we still poured in the wet and cold. This act of determination from the group really moved Laura, Eleazar's wife, in her heart. She expressed to us how good it made her feel to know God and the group loved their family that much, to work in miserable conditions. The second day was sunny and warm and we were able to finish most of the house. Wednesday, we returned to finish several things on the house. Then we dedicated the home to the family around lunch time. There is no doubt in my mind that the family was touched by the love of God and that they are living everyday in thankfulness to Him.

Thank you First Baptist Willis for partnering with me to do an amazing work in a family's life. You provided shelter and safety for a family who never had a home of their own. Thank you for your continued partnership year after year with our ministry. Hope to see you next year.

(March 22nd) Irving and Veronica Gonzales and Their Two Children

March 22nd family

By this point in the month, Julie and I were pretty tired. But, the group we worked with and the family we built for were the perfect combination for the weary missionaries.

We built with Vista Grande Baptist Church from Colorado Springs. This was also a unique experience because they brought 60 people, 40 of which were youth. Groups are not usually this large. Between the 60 of them, we built three homes last week. Julie and I led one of them. The group we led was made up of half Vista  Grand church members, and half members from another local church. It was a pretty cool experience to be with two partnering churches at the same time.

The family we built for lived in the smallest and worst living conditions of any family Julie and I have ever built for. The shack they lived in was no bigger than the size of a queen size mattress. They were also a very young couple who had some issues with their extended family. Most families we build for cohabitate with their extended family. This is more economically smart for these families because they are able to combine resources from the family's past and present. But with this family, they didn't have that going for them and they were newly starting out on their own. Both Irving and Veronica were 20 years old with two children. Irving had a factory job and earned $70.00 a week for his family.

Another important aspect of this build was the obvious spiritual need of this family. They were not followers of Christ, and they needed His grace and His hope. A woman named Gloria who was on the team was very good at Speaking Spanish. Instead of primarily focusing on building, I had her focus on ministering and sharing the Gospel of Christ to this family. Gloria explained to the family that Christ wants them to be a part of the kingdom. He wants to save them, love them, and give them life. God sending us to build them a house was proof that God was pursuing their hearts and their minds for the benefit of what they could have in Him.

At the end of building the house, during the dedication, the family's sponsoring Mexican pastor reiterated what we had been claiming all week about Christ. Irving was moved by what we said and told us that he will be thinking long and hard about the words we have said to them.

Please join with Julie, myself, and Vista Grand in praying for this family, that God would aggressively enter into their hearts and minds and do work their. They need him desperately.

Thank you Vista Grand and partnering churches for the new relationships I was able to build with your group. It was energizing and worshipful to serve with you. Keep investing in the youth that you bring down every year. Love you Guys.

Also, Special thanks to Joe Curtis, who wouldn't want me to thank him publicly but I'm going to anyway. He purchased for me a very expensive and amazing tool for leveling the forms for the foundation. The tool is called a transit. Your the coolest PAPA JOE.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Quick Update

We have built every week this month so far and we are about to start the final build of this month today. I just wanted to say thank you to all we have built with and also to everyone who has been praying for us this month. Expect a lengthy report next week, but for now...going to meet the group and cross the border in about an hour. Love you all...

Til the whole world hears,


Saturday, March 20, 2010

His House Christian Fellowship Build

This year I wasn't able to lead the build with the His House Christian Fellowship group, but they let me lead worship for them on Sunday morning. This is a video of us singing while you can see the crew building houses with with my ministry. Awesome video Kurt!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Lamar Christian Church Build 2010

Last week, Julie and I had the pleasure of building with Lamar Christian Church. This group has built with Casas Por Cristo for the last 12 years! It is pretty cool when we can serve with a group of people who have the same passion for the ministry of Casas Por Cristo as we do. This build was also special because I was able to train a new staff member(Tony) on the building project. But first...lets meet the family.

DSC_0367Holding the bible is Angelica Garcia Valles. Her and her four children are the proud new owners of their new house. Two of her children are in this picture; Saul who is 14 and Leslie who is 7. Her youngest son Daniel who is 4 and her oldest son Edgar who is 16 are not pictured. Next to them is her sister and her Aunt who were with her all week as she received this blessing from God.

Their story is very interesting and requires prayer from us as we read this. Angelica's husband was shot and killed last August. He was involved with the drug cartels. This tragedy caused Angelica to become very depressed. Her and her family had been attending church and pursuing God but because of the tragedy, Angelica lost hope in God and stopped attending church. This last week was a big week for her. Partnering with her Pastor(Manuel Delfin), we were able to minister to her and her family as we built her new home. The pastor was with her before and during the build process counseling her that God still loves her and her family. We communicated with her that God building her family a new home was proof that God is still pursuing her and her family's hearts.

Angelica's youngest son spent the week with her mother. Her oldest son, however, was following in his dad's footsteps and was hooked on drugs and getting involved with the Cartels. Please pray for this family, that Angelica's son would be miraculously taken out of his current drug situation and that the family would again find hope and love in Jesus Christ.

DSC_0302 These two guy on the end were a riot to build with. The man with the glasses name is Norm but they called him "Judge" because he was a Judge for many years. The closest man is Sam. Both of these guys had amazing personalities that made every moment never dull. Serving with them was a pleasure for both Tony, Julie, and I.

It took us exactly three days to build the house with 14 of us. Building with this group made the building process go a lot easier because they were both experienced with the project and were experienced in building from their personal life. Angelica's family also worked with us the whole week and really showed us how excited and eager they were to be inside their new home. Her whole family was living in a little two room house. Before her husband's death, their family made $80.00 a week. Since her husbands death, Angelica was selling things at a market to help make up for the meager income they were making. This house is going to put her family years ahead financially.

For everyone who prayed for Tony and I as we went through the training process, I think it really went well. Tony seemed to observe and understand everything we went over and I made a few mistakes that he was able to learn from and I was humbled by. Overall, I'm confident that Tony is going to do well when he leads a house by himself.

DSC_0328 DSC_0324 DSC_0352

After the build, we got face to face with Angelica and her family in her new home. The Pastor spoke about the greatness of God and finding Christ again after tragedy and a falling away. We exchanged words of appreciation for each other, our appreciation for Angelica and her family, and their appreciation for the tremendous blessing we had given them. We communicated that it is nothing that we did but this gift was from God, physical proof that God loved her and her family. Ray, the associate pastor from Lamar Christian, said it best. He handed the bible to Angelica and said, "It is our hope that we are in heaven with you and your family." This brought tears to Angelica and when the keys to her new house were given to her, Angelica's daughter Leslie started to cry tears of Joy. We leave this family with hope for their future on earth and into eternity.

Thank you to Lamar Christian Church for building with us and your faithfulness in building with this ministry over the years. I hope to see you for many more years to come. I also want to say thank you to everyone who supports Julie and I in prayer and financially. Because of you, all of this is possible. Love you all...

          Justin and Julie


Friday, February 19, 2010

A Blessing and a Prayer Request

I have been sick for last week but now am feeling back to 100%. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me. Everything is going well with my wife and I. I want to give you an update about a blessing that Julie and I received and also a prayer request.

The Blessing:

2010-01-25 09.51.22 (1)Two months ago, I sent out a letter to everyone on our mailing list. In the letter, I asked if anyone had a truck they would like to sell for $1500 or less that could take a beating. When I joined staff, one of the requirements for me was to buy a truck. We only had $1500 we could afford and we were and are determined not to create any debt. So we prayed over the letters and asked God to provide for us the right truck that could take the kind of abuse it would need to take from building in Mexico. Two days letter, I received an email from Jim Ritter who lives close to Denver, Colorado. I had built with him and his son and daughter in July when they came down with their church's youth trip. They are from Evergreen Lutheran Church.

The email was very unexpected because it was so fast in coming. Jim wrote in the email that he had a truck that him and his wife would like to give to us for free. My heart melted. I read the email right away to Julie and we both took time to thank God for what He had done is our lives. God's provision has been unshaken to us our entire marriage and ministry. To see God using His people to provide for us is a unique experience. Scripture says that anything we have is from Heaven who has willed us to have it. But being in ministry, not receiving a predetermined salary, but receiving from God what He provides through donations is difficult but beautiful. Our faith in God is grown and elevated in these amazing circumstances of supernatural provision. For those of you who pray for Julie and I on a regular basis in regards to ministry and finances, I wanted to share this with you so you can be encouraged and know that God is hearing you.

Special thanks to Jim and his family who are faithful to God and to his calling in their lives. When I flew up their to pick up the truck, their hospitality and love was encouraging. I hope that our friendship and partnership continues in the years to come.

Prayer Request:

2010-02-19 10.03.46 This Monday, the 22nd of February, I am been building with Tony Skarlatos(above picture). Tony is a new staff member with Casas Por Cristo who was hired in December. Tony works in the marketing department and has a gift for media design. One of the coolest things about our ministry is that all the staff, not matter what our office responsibility is, all lead the construction of houses in Mexico. I am training Tony this coming week while we lead Lamar Christian Church in building a house for a Mexican family in Juarez, MX. We are build our three room house design which Tony has never built before. I would love it if you prayed for me as I try to teach and help Tony in this process. Also, pray for Tony. Learning how to lead and build these houses can be very intimidating and just flat out scary. Pray that Tony will learn quickly and will retain everything we go over. Pray for the church group that they will be patient with us as I take time to train Tony.

You can also spend time praying for the family we are building for. We are building for Raul and Angelica and their children Edgar, Saul, Leslie, and Daniel. Pray that God, right now, would be working on their hearts and preparing them for the week ahead. Also pray for the Pastor who is ministering to them now and will be ministering to them during and after the build. Love you all.

Until the Whole World Hears,


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Justin and Julie Visit an Orphanage

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Julie's Bloopers

This is a blooper real from our next video coming out next week! Hope you enjoy!

J Kirk

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Doing Missions When Dying is Gain

I was doing some reading recently and I a came across a sermon called “Doing Missions When Dying is Gain” by Pastor John Piper. He was preaching to a group of young pastors and future missionaries about our attitude as Americans when it comes to spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. This is an excerpt from that article:

YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is a wild-eyed radical group that I love. I got an email on September 1st,

One hundred and fifty men armed with machetes surrounded the premises occupied by the YWAM team in India. The mob had been incited by other religious groups in an effort to chase them off. As the mob pressed in someone in a key moment spoke up on the team’s behalf and they decided to give them 30 days to leave. The team feels they should not leave and that their ministry work in the city is at stake. Much fruit has been seen in a previously unreached region and there is great potential for more. In the past when violence has broken out between rival religious groups people have lost their lives. Please pray for them to have wisdom.

Now this is exactly the opposite of what I hear mainly in America as people decide where to live, for example. I don't hear people saying, "I don’t want to leave, because this is where I’m called to and this is where there’s need." Would you please join me in reversing American evangelical priorities? It seems to be woven into the very fabric of our consumer culture that we move toward comfort, toward security, toward ease, toward safety, away from stress, away from trouble, and away from danger. It ought to be exactly the opposite! “He who would come after me let him take up his cross and die!”

So I just don’t get it! It’s the absorption of a consumer, comfort, ease culture that is permeating the church. And it creates little ministries and churches in which safe, secure, nice things are done for each other. And little safe excursions are made to help save some others. But, O we won’t live there, and O we won’t stay there, not even in America, not to mention Saudi Arabia!

I found this article to be very interesting because of where Julie and I are doing ministry. Many have called Juarez, MX on of the most dangerous cities in the world. We talk to people everyday who tell us we should not be across the border. Should our response to this danger and as Christians make us desire to flee or desire to embrace this opportunity? It seems that people who need hope the most are the most responsive and ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mark 2:17  And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

I think that our feelings in any dangerous circumstance in missions reveals to us where are hearts are. Are our hearts for others and for God, or are they consumer filled with self preservation? My hope that is any catastrophic, oppressive, dangerous circumstance, my heart is drawn to the people who are subjects under it. Christ said to go the ends of the earth to teach and train people in the gospel. He never said it would be safe. Oh Jesus, give me your compassion!

To read the rest of John Piper’s sermon go to this link:

Justin Kirklin

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Looking For Feedback

Hello Everybody!

I have been thinking recently about defining poverty; Especially when it comes to living conditions.

How would you define living in poverty? Do you think our definition and overall idea of poverty has changed over time?

Please post comments and the blog. Let me know what you think...

Christ is All,

Justin Kirklin

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Video. Watch it, be informed.

Watch our first video!!!

First Video!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cornerstone Build 2010

There is nothing like a holiday build! What better way to celebrate Christ entering the world to reconcile us to Him than showing His love to those who need it. Most would say that it is a "bummer" that Julie and I have to stay here on the holidays. "Don't you miss your family?" YES! But I can't begin to describe to you the blessing it is to be here on the holidays.

This year we built with Cornerstone Christian Church Shiloh. This was their second year building with our ministry. They had 21 adult team members and one eight year old girl. This was an important trip for their church because they are trying to transition the church into having a greater missions mind set. Casas Por Cristo is one of the best trips for that. It is international but not to far from home. It is a week long trip but very affordable. It is very complex but easy to plan a trip. Our organization is one of the best for short term missions and really getting people's feet wet into international missions. I think this trip was perfect for their church.

I met them at Walmart the day they arrived. They were busy shopping for all kinds of gifts for the family. I thought that was really cool. They bought blankets, heaters, clothes, cookware, and furniture. This family was about to receive a huge blessing from God.

The day of crossing the border, Julie and I met the team at our office. I discussed with them a few short details about what they should expect for the day to come and then we spent time praying for safety, the family to receive a house, and for us to see and give glory to God through our work. After we crossed the border we arrived at the Mexican church we were going to stay at every night. I know the pastor of that church very well. He is the President of the Mexican pastors committee of our ministry. Upon arriving, we received some bad news. The heater to the church was broken and it was likely to be the coldest week in Juarez of the year. God blessed us in a big way by sending us a heater repair man on the trip with cornerstone. PRAISE GOD!!!!

We arrived at the site after unloading our luggage at the church. The work site was very enclosed and barely fit the house we were going to build.

The family had been living in a little squat shack made of wood and cardboard. They are a family of 8. Luckily for them, another ministry had built them a house about a month prior to us getting there. The other new house was a two room house and it didn't even come close to supporting the size of the family. With these two houses combined, they should live quite a lot more comfortably.

The father and mother receiving the house were named Abraham and Alma Lozano. They were both in their early 20s. They have two daughters and two grandparents that live with them. Abraham's brother also lives with them. Abraham and Alma have had their run of bad luck. They both lived close to the river and when a flood season came a few years ago, it destroyed their house. They were forced to move in with Abraham's parents and have been residing their ever since. It has been really tough on them. Despite the lack of space and very poor living conditions, Abraham and his family have struggled to find work and keep a job. In fact, the week that we arrived, Abraham had lost his job. They were making only $80.00 a week for 8 people. Isn't that unbelievable. A common misconception is that things are cheaper in Mexico. This is simply not true. Though you can buy a coke and a candy bar cheaper, most all common things are the same price as the United States.
We built the house in two and a half days and used the remaining time in the week to mud and tape the drywall inside and paint the exterior of the new house. We also did quite a bit of yard work on their small lot to clean it up and make it safer for their children.

At the end of the build, Julie and I had made great new friends with Cornerstone Christian Church and really became part of their family. More than that, something remarkable happened with the grandfather and Abraham.

One of the Mexican Pastors from our ministry had been ministering to the family before and during the build. At the dedication ceremony, he spoke about Zacheus from the bible and related it to Abraham of the Mexican family. He talked about how Zacheus was living in sin and unbelief and how he went under a huge transformation. When Zacheus repented and chose to follow Christ, his life was transformed. After hearing the message from Pastor Martin, Abraham and his father decided to follow Christ. Pray that they will continue in their faith and that Pastor Martin Gil does a good job of shepherding them into the Christian Community.

It was an amazing week. A family blessed, an American church challenged, and Julie and I at peace. The week was filled with the feeling of God intentionally pursuing all of us involved. Christ be glorified for the great work he is doing in Juarez, MX with Casas Por Cristo.

Orphanage Christmas

Julie works for a hospital named Del Sol here in El Paso. Trying to share and show the love of Christ in the work place can be a difficult task. She decided that a great way to get her co-workers involved in ministry was to bless an orphanage in Juarez, MX for Christmas. For a month, her coworkers at the hospital raised money and bought gifts for every individual Child at the orphanage.

The orphanage was started by 3 individuals who live in Juarez. They happened across an orphanage one day that was very small and very unhealthy for the children staying there. This touched their heart so much that they decided to start their own that would be a place of safety, education, health, and love.

They came to our ministry looking for support and trying to see if we could build them a few buildings. This story touched our hearts as well and shortly after they petitioned our ministry, they received three buildings; two the size of the 3 room house we build, and one the size of the church we build. These three people that were called and motivated to start this orphanage have been funding it out of their own pocket and it has been very taxing on their lives.

Julie decided what a great opportunity to use American wealth and the love of Christ to help support and love on these Children. We came just a few days before Christmas with two truckloads of toys, clothes, candy, and other gifts. The excitement and smiles were tear provoking. Every child received a huge blessing this Christmas. To cap it all off, they sang us three worship songs in English. It was awesome. That gift to us was greater than any gift we had given them.

Our ministry hopes to continue to support his orphanage and the work that they do.