Monday, August 24, 2009

Visiting Families

Visiting Families, originally uploaded by Justin and Julie Kirklin.
One of the coolest things I get to do with Casas Por Cristo is visit families that we have built for after the house is built. In this picture, the director of Spiritual Outreach, Scott, is speaking with the mother of the family that received a house. In the middle is her pastor who is part of Casas Por Cristo. We have over 100 pastors that are connected and contribute to our ministry.
When we visit a family, the pastor, myself, and Scott, spend time with the family. We ask them how there house is and how the group was that came down to build for them. If there is something wrong with the house, we fix it then, or we have someone come fix any problems with their house. We also ask them if they are attending church. We tell them how important it is to have Christ in their heart and in their life. If they aren't following Christ, we do the best we can to express the importance of following Jesus Christ. This time also gives the Pastors a perfect opportunity to minister to the family.
These visit have been very successful. I hope that when we follow up with the families that they are impressed by the love of Christ and we also hope to the Pastors find connection with the family. While we are not building houses, this is what I will be doing on a weekly basis. Hope all of you are well!!!

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