Thursday, June 24, 2010

Visiting Irving and Veronica


Many of you don't know the extent to which we try to minister and bring the Gospel to the families we build for. After a build, myself or my director, partner with a Mexican Pastor to visit families that we have built for. We usually are able to visit them within a year of their house being built. The above family is a family I visited yesterday that I had the pleasure of building for back in March.

They are Irving and Veronica Reyes with their two Children Jose and Irving Junior. I wrote about them back in March. As a refresher, they lived in a little pallet shack that was the same square footage as a queen size mattress. Literally, when you walked into their old shack, you stepped onto the mattress. We were building the house and in wasn't finished yet. Veronica had already moved some things in because she was so excited to be in her new home.

I visited this family yesterday with their sponsoring Mexican Pastor. We have a committee of pastors who are responsible for sponsoring and keeping up with their sponsored families. I you have built with me, you know that I am a huge proponent of our pastor sponsorship program. When we build, we don't just hand them the keys to a house, say Jesus loves you, and leave and never see them again. We partner with sponsoring pastors who minister to the family before, during, and after the build. We want to be thorough and effective ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Anyway, that's what I was doing yesterday. When we entered in the house that I had built with a group for Vista Grande Baptist, it was pretty emotional. The two children knew who I was immediately. They rushed up to me to be held and hugged; almost like I had never left. Veronica hurried to get us a 2 liter of Coke so that we could sit and visit with them for awhile. This was an important visit. I could tell that the pastor knew this family very well. We started to ask them about the condition of their home and how everything was working. It was in perfect order which was great to see. I told them that their house is a gift from God and that they needed Jesus in their hearts for Joy and eternal life. The pastor started to speak with them about following Jesus and told the story of the prodigal's son. Irving had been wandering from the Lord for quite a long time. We prayed with them  and I took their picture. You can tell that they were very emotional. I hope and pray that God used our visit to bring their hearts to Him. Pray for Irving, Veronica,and their two children.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Families of July

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Quick Update