AAH: Action Against Hunger; www.aah-usa.org
ADRA: Adventist Development and Relief Agency International: www.adra.org
Air Serv International: www.airserv.org
AFSC: American Friends Service Committee: www.afsc.org
American Jewish World Service: www.ajws.org
American Red Cross: www.redcross.org
ARC: American Refugee Committee; www.archq.org
CARE: www.care.org
Catholic Relief Services; www.catholicrelief.org
Childreach/Plan International USA: www.childreach.org
Christian Children’s Fund: www.ChristianChildrensFund.org
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee: www.crwrc.org
CWS: Church World Service; the service agency for the National Council of Churches (USA); www.churchworldservice.org
Concern Worldwide US: www.concernusa.org
Direct Relief International: www.directrelief.org
Doctors of the World: www.doctorsoftheworld.org
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF): www.doctorswithoutborders.org
Food for the Hungry, Inc.: www.fh.org
International Aid: www.internationalaid.org, www.gospelcom.net/ia
International Catholic Migration Commission: www.icmc.net
IMC: International Medical Corps: www.imc-la.com
IRC: International Rescue Committee: www.irc.org, www.theIRC.org
Latter-Day Saint Charities:
Lutheran World Relief: www.lwr.org
MAP International: www.map.org
MCI: Mercy Corps International: www.mercycorps.org
NMIT: Northwest Medical Team International: www.nwmedicalteams.org
Operation USA: www.opusa.org
Oxfam America: www.oxfamamerica.org
Refugees International: www.refugeesinternational.org
Relief International: www.ri.org
Salvation Army World Service Office: www.salvationarmyusa.org
SC/US (SCF/US): Save the Children/US: www.savethechildren.org
United Methodist Committee on Relief: http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor
USA for UNHCR: www.usaforunhcr.org
United States Fund for UNICEF: www.unicefusa.org
United Way International: www.uwint.org
Women’s EDGE: www.womensedge.org
World Concern; www.worldconcern.org
World Relief: www.worldrelief.org
World Vision: www.wvi.org
This is a list of google searched, "Humanitarian Organizations." I left the Christian organizations
mixed in with the secular organizations on purpose. It all sounds the same. "Action Against
Hunger" and "Food for the Hungry" really sound like the same thing despite the fact that one is
gospel centric and one is a secular humanitarian organization. You can slip the word "Christian"
or "Catholic" in the name, but I really don't think in changes much.
The only real way to tell the difference is to actually go on a trip with these organizations. In our
case, if you come on a trip with Casas, we communicate that the main goal is the gospel and
not necessarily to end poverty. In light of this, It's obvious to us that the Non-Christian portion of
the US doesn't go on a trip with a Christian mission organization. From our experience, church
groups go on trips with Christian organizations. My opinion is that America's Non-Christian
portion of society will not see the power of the gospel through American based international
missions. It may be revealed by those who went on the trip sharing their experience with their
neighbor, but left alone, the Non-Christian America populous will not see God's work, fingerprint,
or power because they are not there to experience it or see how it differentiates from
Humanitarian organizations.
the US doesn't go on a trip with a Christian mission organization. From our experience, church
groups go on trips with Christian organizations. My opinion is that America's Non-Christian
portion of society will not see the power of the gospel through American based international
missions. It may be revealed by those who went on the trip sharing their experience with their
neighbor, but left alone, the Non-Christian America populous will not see God's work, fingerprint,
or power because they are not there to experience it or see how it differentiates from
Humanitarian organizations.
I am not saying that those ministered to by American based missions don't see Christ, on the
contrary, I think that they absolutely do. So what is the point of me writing this?
My point is, international missions isn't the light that America needs. I have tended to think that
what I am doing will be a light to the world. It is, just not to those whom I came from. America is a
unique place. No one is sending missionaries to the US because, generally speaking, the global
church sees America as the most Christian centric country. We have been sending the most
missionaries to other countries than any other country. I think South Korea may have just
overtook us but don't quote me on that. Because missionaries aren't sent by outside sources, it
is up to Christian here in the US to be the missionaries to its own people. In light of that, its only
going to get done by those who aren't paid clergymen. Pastors and priests generally don't leave
their Christian bubble.
Missions organization and missionaries may blend in to humanitarianism, but if you would go
love your neighbor, you can bet that you won't blend in. Our society is not out loving and being
intentional with their neighbor. They are comfortable inside their homes, enjoying there kingdom,
staying out of everybody's business. Go stand out. Go be missional to your neighborhood and
the people you work with. Be your communties missionary. Jose in his shack need Jesus just as
much as your neighbor Bob does. May the power of God be seen through your passion and
transformed heart. Give the United States what it is lacking most. Missionaries.
what I am doing will be a light to the world. It is, just not to those whom I came from. America is a
unique place. No one is sending missionaries to the US because, generally speaking, the global
church sees America as the most Christian centric country. We have been sending the most
missionaries to other countries than any other country. I think South Korea may have just
overtook us but don't quote me on that. Because missionaries aren't sent by outside sources, it
is up to Christian here in the US to be the missionaries to its own people. In light of that, its only
going to get done by those who aren't paid clergymen. Pastors and priests generally don't leave
their Christian bubble.
Missions organization and missionaries may blend in to humanitarianism, but if you would go
love your neighbor, you can bet that you won't blend in. Our society is not out loving and being
intentional with their neighbor. They are comfortable inside their homes, enjoying there kingdom,
staying out of everybody's business. Go stand out. Go be missional to your neighborhood and
the people you work with. Be your communties missionary. Jose in his shack need Jesus just as
much as your neighbor Bob does. May the power of God be seen through your passion and
transformed heart. Give the United States what it is lacking most. Missionaries.